Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Saints and a Concert

I just saw Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day. Two Irish-brother vigilantes kick the shit out of the Italian Mob in Boston. Incredible. Shot just like its 1999 counterpart, it has Judd Nelson, the three buddy cops from the first, Billy Connolly, and bloody action. It even has Ricky from the Trailer Boys. Shot in Toronto... uh... just a fun film. A really fun film...

My buddy Blake and I are putting on a show at Rancho Relaxo on Thursday, November 26th. Its called The Altered Brew: Music's Moonshine and is going to be featuring the talented: Sleep for the Nightlife, The Dildoniks, and Soundspeed. Plus, it is only $3! You can check the the bands at:

Sleep for the Nightlife -
The Dildoniks -
Soundspeed -

Later Kids...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Instrumental Bands

How do you feel about instrumental bands? I get mixed reactions when I throw on Pelican (from Chicago), Explosions In The Sky (Texas), Sleep For The Nightlife (Toronto), or Mogawi (Scotland). If people are in mid-conversation and I slide some on gracefully, people seem to dig and ask "Easty, who is this?" But, when it comes to mentioning an instrumental band/song, and I get "Aww, geese". Like, if what's the big deal if your not going to pay attention to the words anyway? People don't give the the song the respect it deserves. When it's all quite and songs with melodies and emotion begin to over-power their thoughts, then and only then do you understand that instrumental music is meant to be felt and not just heard. Is that it? Do people not want to feel the emotion of just instruments or are they afraid too? Or does the average person not have the patience for the movement? I sure as shit don't know, but it bothers the hell out of me.

If you haven't listened to any of these bands, I strongly recommend you do so.
Also Check out The Dildoniks (from Toronto) on either Myspace or Youtube. They have a 50's surf-rock feel that you may feel different about if you don't like the other bands listed above.

Later cats...