Thursday, October 29, 2009

What happened to kid movies???

So, I'm at my sister's place and 'Teen Wolf' (1985 classic starring Canadian Michael J. Fox) was on the TV. I couldn't help but wonder "what the hell happened to the good kid movies?" Growing up being the youngest of five, I saw all the classic 80s kids movies: 'The Goonies', 'Flight of the Navigator', 'Little Monsters', I even had 'The Explorers' (another 1985 classic starring Ethan Hawke and River Phoenix) on beta. But its seems as though films then were more edgy, by allowing more fowl language. One of my favorite lines of all time is in 'The Goonies' when Chunk says "Oh Shit What?!" after he breaks Mikey's Mom's statue and he thinks that she notices. 'Monster Squad' (1987 comedy/horror starring... nobodies) has a whole load of those... OH, it also had an old school hip-hop song with the title of the movie in the chorus, and you sure as shit don't get those anymore. They were all really entertaining movies. Today there is nothing that even comes that close.

That's just how I feel anyway.....

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